Monday, June 17, 2013


There were times the past year that I literally felt that we were living in a tv show.  It was very hard to piece all of the symptoms together to get the Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis.  Let me back up a bit.

I'm Fee.  I'm in my early 40s and it's my daughter Katie who has type 1 diabetes.  I have three kids.  Katie, Mike and AnnaGrace.  AnnaGrace is our wonder from China and made me laugh when she told us that she was so glad she wasn't related to us (when we were testing Mike for T1 Diabetes).  I've been married almost 20 years to the love of my life, Kev.  Getting back to Katie...

We were working on exercise for could say she appointed herself my trainer for working out. I highly recommend having your child train you.  They are relentless...I suspect as payback for the groundings or chores or something.  But she took a certain glee in monitoring my food and exercise.  She would hound me into working out.  While I'm not thin..she is.  Always has been.  Keep in mind this child was on the verge of adulthood and we all knew it.  I'm 18 was a frequent refrain in our home!

She started having symptoms early in her senior year of high school.  She'd text me from school and complain of blurry vision or tingling in her hands/feet.  But it wasn't tied to anything in our minds.  We noticed she was drinking a lot more water and eating a ton.  But with all the working out we were doing- she was always doing up to an hour while I only lasted 20-30 min so eating more seemed reasonable to us.

It wasn't until she started getting yeast infections of all things that I started to piece things together.  I'm sorry to admit we thought she might be a hypochondriac- all these odd symptoms...  When I look back now it seems SO clear....but man when you are living it daily it is not clear at all.  In June I finally looked back at all the infections and realized we had removed what we thought was the problem but she was still having them.  I started piecing other things together.  Like the fact that she had dropped probably 30 lbs in 3 or 4 months.  Maybe more.  I know I bought her clothes during summer because she was bigger (which started the health kick).  And then after school started I needed to replace size 11/13's with 5's.  She was only in those until xmas break and then one day she was walking past me and I said....."Hey didn't we get rid of all those big clothes?"  She answered that we had but these were the NEW shorts.  Um that's not right.

Once we sat down with Kev- I said we needed to think about what it could be.  Katie is a google champ- just like her dad....but had come up with pinworm or cancer.  Since none of us were getting infections I doubted it.  I thought about it and I remember thinking- use your science degree for this...yeast like what?  SUGAR...ok if the yeast are living on sugar - where is it coming from?  We have Type 2 diabetes on both sides of my family as well as on Kev's mom's side.

I looked at Kev and said..should we have her tested for diabetes?  He thought about it for the longest time and said yes. We had also discussed checking her thyroid since we have issues on both sides.  FINALLY it felt like we were getting to the bottom of the mystery.  I called our doctor and made an appointment to discuss.