Thursday, June 19, 2014

Moving on Up

It's the 1 year anniversary this weekend since K got diagnosed....but in the meantime I've moved the blog and combined it into my main one.  To make it even more confusing for my family I also changed the name of the blog.

It should be easy to remember!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Keep on, Keeping on

Katie in Hilton Head, SC
Things have been hectic here...Katie's T1d is basically under "control".  We have moments of lows and highs but not as frequent anymore.  Vacation over New Year's was different because it took her until we were on the RETURN of driving 12 hours to realize if she just suspended her basal or decreased it 25% she wouldn't spike so high while sitting so long.

We adjusted our holiday eating time...I know it seemed odd to my family who've been celebrating at 1pm for 20 years...but it's a must for Kate.  Thanksgiving was hard for her since we ate in between lunch and dinner but closer to dinner and she didn't eat lunch thinking she'd have more to munch on beforehand.  Life continues to be an adjustment and she's handling it with aplomb.

We've gotten into exercising daily.  When she doesn't her number control just isn't that tight and frankly I need the exercise.  We aren't dieting.  We are eating healthier and doing yoga daily with cardio or some other exercise.  She had lots more stamina than I do but that's ok!

Kate is doing awesome in school..about to start her 2nd semester of college.  She got straight A's her first semester (Chem, Pysch, Calc)....and is taking (Psych, Philosophy, Speech and Chem) this term.  She wants to be a Nurse Practitioner and is planning on transferring to UNC-Greensboro in the next year.  Which is good since we want to move out to NC also.  I can't take the winters anymore and Kev's best friend (and my good friends too) live out there now.  Fingers crossed that I can finish my masters and get a job ASAP out there.  I'll be glad to leave the snow behind- that's for dang sure.

Happy New Year.  I'll try and update here as I can...things are about to get hectic.  My last two classes until I graduate and I am writing my thesis too.  So lots of hustle and bustle.

The "Gang" on the pier to the Ocean- Hilton Head, SC