Monday, October 14, 2013

We are alive..I swear

I guess my family does follow me here!  I'm so sorry.  My 8 week masters course is winding down and while I still have fieldwork/processing next week and another masters course- I can finally *almost* breathe!!!

We did the walk on a stunning day two weeks ago now.  It was just a bit cool out and so lovely. We enjoyed the walk a lot..but we mainly enjoyed our family and friends and coming together to show Katie we support her in this struggle and love her.  Next year we might just move our group to a fall bbq at our house and do a Katie day.  Our goal was $5,000 but since I thought $1,000 would be major- raising almost $1800 was great!  I think they might not have added in any of our on-site donations yet but do not quote me on that.

To anyone who donated or walked- we would like to sincerely thank you.  It's a big deal to the JDRF for their research and to us.

So an update- Katie is doing pretty good.  She got approved after that lovely appeal for a pump..just in time for her to be eligible for her insurance from Starbucks.  :)  Figures right?  She's got a great insurance and can work as little as 20 hours per week or 240 a quarter in order to keep it.  It's going to pay a lot more than our Humana and we might eventually drop it when we switch over to the marketplace/Obamacare stuff.  We are truly grateful for Obamacare....when we had to pick up private insurance (because Kev is a contractor) we were denied coverage for me from a "prior" condition (aka...I was using advair after swine flue and they decided I had asthma).  So I got ICHIP which is essentially a discount plan when *I* personally hit $5,000 deductible.  Hahahaha.  Now on the marketplace I'm being offered something like 40 choices for healthcare..astounding.

Back to Katie- she's got the pump...she is having more lows than highs...but she's doing ok.  The dexcom hurts a ton..she's not a fan of it..but I like not having to nag her about numbers all day and it helps us to know how she is doing so I am not standing over her at night seeing if she is breathing.  She goes in for wisdom teeth removal this week- not looking forward to it.  She's in a lot of pain and because she's not "controlled" they will not put her under.  So we will see how she tolerates it.  Hoping it stops the last of her pain and she can work on feeling 100% again.

Her next appt we get the A1c test done again.  I can only assume it has got to be better than 12.1%.  I mean really..since they want you at was it 5-6%?  I'll have to update here when we get it.

The fridge broke a few weeks a scratch and dent one for almost 30% of the price maybe a bit more?  It works nice..but what a sticker shock.  I should not have stressed so much about it because then a week later the car needed brakes on all wheels and also bearings replaced.  Sometimes the amount of money flying out for issues makes me lose my breath.

I think we *finally* maxed out the deductible for Kev and the kids.  Please I hope so.  Wish it could be applied to previous bills we owe on...but honestly we go through everyday so happy that we are alive and together....I'm just so dang grateful that Kev is ok and we are so close and in love and that Katie only has Type 1 diabetes.  Things could always be worse.

Ok that's enough for now.....I'll keep you updated as we move along here in this new world....I'll post more pics from the walk soon!


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