Saturday, July 13, 2013

Carbs, carbs and more carbs

We have more numbers running through our head each day.  I don't know how Katie keeps it all straight.  I just don't.  But she has to count every single carb.  Every. Single. Carb.  She started with the Diabetes App ($7)

But then decided to change over to the MyFitnessPal because it tracks her exercise, water and everything and provides a more clear picture to what is going on with her body.  MyFitnessPal was free I want to say and it tracks all your you can scan the barcode to find out the exact carbs.  Still everyday is a have to know how to estimate them..and when she is on a pump she will need to be able to do this correctly.

Why?  Well as far as I understand to date- the pump and even insulin shots- give a specific amount of insulin anticipating that you will be eating x amount of carbs at a meal.  This is difficult to estimate.  What happens if you inject a set amount (more difficult when you have an insulin pump) and then a) the food isn't delivered to your table quick enough or b) you've eaten only 1/2 the meal and calculated for more carbs?

I know a lot of people do the low carb diet, etc.  But your body truly needs 45g (55g if you are a male) at each meal.  Then another 15 g for snacks.  There are simple carbs and complex carbs. She can eat sugar..but her body can't process it without the insulin.

Diet or diabetic foods she needs to avoid since they put in more fat to make them palatable.  So she has to just eat less of the stuff she normally eats.  Save fast food and sweets for the once-in-awhile.  And as she does it- so do we.  The good part of keeping count and exercising is that I've lost 3 lbs!  LOL

She has to be as precise as possible.  Things we put in our mouths and don't think about will not work for her without counting carbs.  She can eat proteins and stuff without counting it but her numbers are not staying "stable".  I put that in quotes because stability as we know it is gone.  Illness, activity and a host of other things (sunburn, etc) can affect her blood sugars.  Chinese food sends her numbers through the roof (and not even fried food) and so did Pizza Hut pizza....My homemade pizza was fine.  So it will be a learning curve!

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