Sunday, July 7, 2013

Getting by with a little help from my friends

This is need to let those close to your heart to see the ugliness this disease causes..the sobbing and temper tantrums (yours and your womanchild's) in order to get the best advice. I cannot stress this enough.  If it wasn't for my good friend - I would be lost.  She took what I saw as a hopeless situation and my back against the wall (and for the record - Katie's too) and made a valid suggestion.

She pointed out that my concern over Katie being in her bedroom in the basement didn't matter truly because if Katie went into hypoglycemia - she could be in MY room and my bed for all that it mattered and I wouldn't be able to save her.  Scary as all get out- but yet so true.  So dang true.

There will be more from me about this..but thank you love.  If it wasn't for saner and calmer heads prevailing- the fighting would STILL be going on.  Tonight is the first time in three nights we haven't had a screaming match about her safety and our comfort levels in letting her spread her wings.

The stakes are SO much higher in a seriously ill child.  And if you think a) she's not seriously ill or b) she's not a child - then you are so, so mistaken.

I'm going to need my friends in the months to come..because I stupidly thought things would be FINE now that we had a diagnosis but the reality is that we are just starting this climb and a climb it will be at times too.  But I will do anything to make sure that Katie is around to scream and cry and be safe as long as possible.

I owe you one Lynda!!  Hugs and love xoxo.

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